Monday, February 2, 2009

Sports Talk Radio

I listen to a lot of STR. It really drives me nuts sometimes, especially today, it being the day after SB XLIII. Some hosts, which will remain unnamed, looked at and talked about the game in such a way that I wonder if they got any joy out of watching the game or not. Not having a rooting interest in either the Cardinals or the Steelers by way of growing up in either area, I thought it would be good to see the Cardinals win the game. Now, one STR host in particular and his crew, talked about the game and made it seem like if you enjoyed watching it then you were basically a doofus, especially if you were pulling for Arizona. He said the game was largely unwatchable and that Warner, the Cards QB, threw for so many yards only because he had many short completions, which the receivers then ran for more yards. This particular host has very strong opinions, and always has to be right. I have heard him in the past talk about games (the Utah/Alabama Sugar Bowl) before the game and say that one team has no shot, unless the superior team in his mind, just doesn't show up and plays lousy. In this way he is always going to be right. If the team he chose to win does then he knew it all along, if that team loses then he has already built in an excuse for them and will still be right. So, with the SB and it being largely unwatchable, I disagree. I think his saying this is because the game was much closer and more competitive than he had predicted during the week leading up to it.
Anyways, it is what it is, I will continue to listen to it (mainly because the other talk radio is political and has similar issues with hosts spouting off their opinions and always having to come out saying that they were right all along as well).


Laurie said...

I highly recommend listening to NPR.

Mark said...

Which radio stations do you listen to while in Utah? I've been listening to 700 AM and 1320 AM lately. I'm just starting to figure out which shows/hosts are local and which are on national shows.