Sunday, June 14, 2009


I was just thinking that I should blog tonight, but couldn't think of anything that I would want to blog about, until just a few minutes ago when I was saying good night to Jackson. First he started talking about numbers, he wanted to know what comes after a trillion, as in million, billion, trillion. I wasn't sure, I think he made up something like frillion. I told him, maybe it is Zillion. It is actually quadrillion, then quintillion. But anyways, that wasn't the thing that gave me inspiration for blogging. He was asking about square roots, and squares. He said, what is 25 squared? I figured it out in my head, and reluctantly told him 625, without writing it out I wasn't certain. He then said, you're right because 25 times 24 is 600. How did he do that so quick I wondered. But he explained how he knew 24 times 25 is 600. Four quarters equals a dollar, and six dollars would be 24 quarters, so that is how he figured it out so quick, and then if you add another 25 it is 625 for 25 squared. Sorry if I lost anyone, but I myself get lost listening to him talk about numbers sometimes. I think he is following in his uncle Mark's footsteps, with all this mathematical whiz stuff going on.


Mark said...

Haha, you'll have to tell him "good job!" from me for the way he figured that out. I love the way he didn't just try to do 25 * 25, but how he related it to something else and broke it down into smaller problems. Before continuing reading your post, I decided to check your answer (625) by doing it in my head, too, and I almost used the same logic as Jackson. I thought, "4 25's are 100, so 600 is 24 25's. Add one more 25 and you get 25 25's, or 625." Very nicely done, Dave. Bright son you've got there.

Holdinator said...

I use calculators.
