Monday, October 20, 2008


3 in a day. Now I won't blog for another month, but all these things keep coming to mind.

Anyone watch much CMT? There are some pretty funny things on this channel, one of which is the 20 Greatest Redneck Moments. They cover a wide range of topics, my favorites are back to back, the double wide trailer and mullets.

At the end of the mullets segment a guy gives a great discription of a mullet, he calls it an action hair-do. We have this show on DVR and go to it just to watch the action hair-do bit, it is quite funny, even after watching it a dozen times.
Unfortunately, we are unable to find this clip on Youtube.


Laurie said...

Must say I don't tune into CMT much, or ever really. But that is a funny thought about the action do.

Jessica said...

wow, that kid looks like a cabbage patch doll.